2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Lower Hybrid Current Drive for the Steady State Scenario
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Momentum Transport Studies in JET H-Mode Discharges with an Enhanced Toroidal Field Ripple
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Evidence of Anomalous Losses of Fusion Products on JET
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
On the Genesis of Closed Current Filaments in the Edge of JET
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Effect of Rotation on the Modelled NTM Threshold in JET Advanced Scenarios
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Extrapolation of JET Hybrid Scenario Fusion Performance to Larger Device
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
EDGE2D-EIRENE Study on Tungsten Fluid Versus Tungsten Kinetic
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
ELM Size Analysis in JET Advanced Tokamak and Hybrid Scenarios
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
Investigating Pellet ELM Triggering Physics Using the New Small Size Pellet Launcher at JET
2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)
High Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Observations in JET 4He plasmas with ICRH