2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)
Interpretation of Radiative Divertor Studies with Impurity Seeding in Type-I ELMy H-mode Plasmas in JET-ILW using EDGE2D-EIRENE
2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)
Thermal Analysis of an Exposed Tungsten Edge in the JET Divertor
2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)
Scaling of the Divertor Power Spreading (S-factor) in Open and Closed Divertor Operation in JET and ASDEX Upgrade
2014 21st International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions PSI, Kanazawa, Japan, (26th–30th May)
Divertor Load Footprint of ELMs in Pellet Triggering and Pacing Experiments at JET
2013 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, Finland, (1st–5th July)
Impact of the Carbon and Tungsten Wall Materials on Deuterium Recycling and Neutral Fuelling in JET using EDGE2D/EIRENE
2013 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, Finland, (1st–5th July)
Divertor Heat Load in JET – Comparing Langmuir Probe and IR Data
2013 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, Finland, (1st–5th July)
ELM Energy Losses in Baseline Plasma in JET with the ILW Compared to the CFC First-Wall
2013 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, Finland, (1st–5th July)
Contrasting H-mode Behaviour with Fuelling and Nitrogen Seeding in the All-Carbon and Metallic Versions of JET
2013 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, Finland, (1st–5th July)
Power Load Studies in JET and ASDEX Upgrade with Full-W Divertors
2013 14th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, Jülich, Germany, (13th–17th May)
Power Handling of the JET ITER-Like Wall