
2010 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology SOFT, Porto, Portugal, (27th September–1st October)

An ECRH System for JET: A Feasibility Study


2003 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia, (7th–11th July)

Application of ICRF Waves in Tokamaks Beyond Heating


2014 56th APS DPP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (27th–31st October)

Characterization of Internal Transport Barriers in JET and Simulations of Control Algorithms


2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)

High Fusion Performance in JET Plasmas with Highly Negative Central Magnetic Shear


2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)

Peripheral Plasma Perturbations and Transient Improved Confinement in JET Optimized Shear Discharges


2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)

Turbulence Behaviour During Electron Heated Reversed Shear Discharges in JET


2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)

Real-Time Plasma Control of Internal Transport Barriers in JET


2014 56th APS DPP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (27th–31st October)

Influence of Edge Current Profile on Type III-Type I ELMs Transition in Optimised Shear Discharges on JET


2014 56th APS DPP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (27th–31st October)

Use of Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Heating in Optimised Shear Plasmas in JET


Heating, Current Drive and Energetic Particles Studies on JET in Preparation of ITER Operation