2007 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, Poland (2nd - 6th July)
Impurity Profile Control in JET Plasmas with Radio-Frequency Power Injection
2005 32nd EPS Conference, Tarragona, Spain (27th - 1st July)
Analysis of Metallic Impurity Density Profiles in low Collisionality JET H-mode Plasmas
2004 31st EPS Conference, London, UK, (28th June–2nd July)
Relationship between Core Impurity, Fuel and Thermal Diffusivities in L and H-mode JET Plasmas
2004 31st EPS Conference, London, UK, (28th June–2nd July)
Core Plasma Charge States of Mo Ions in High Electron Temperature JET and FTU Plasmas
2002 29th EPS Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, (17th–21st June)
Simulation of the Time Behavior of Impurities in JET Ar-Seeded Discharges and its Relation with Sawteething
2014 56th APS DPP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (27th–31st October)
Radiation Pattern and Impurity Transport in Impurity Seeded ELMy H-mode Discharges in JET.
Analysis of Metallic Impurity Density Profiles in Low Collisionality JET H-Mode and L-Mode Plasmas
Experimental and Simulated M-Shell Nickel Spectra in the 14.4 -18.0nm Region from Magnetic Fusion Devices
Simulation of the Time Behaviour of Impurities in JET Ar-Seeded Discharges and its Relation with Sawtoothing and RF Heating
Experimental and Simulated VUV Spectra from the JET Tokamak and the Reversed Field Pinch RFX