
2014 20th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, (1st–5th June)

An Arc Control and Protection System for the JET Lower Hybrid Antenna Based on an Imaging System


2013 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Sorrento, Italy, (25th–28th June)

Overview of LH Experiments in JET with an ITER-Like Wall


2012 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (fec2012), San Diego, USA, (8th–13th Oct)

On the Challenge of Plasma Heating with the JET Metallic Wall


2012 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (fec2012), San Diego, USA, (8th–13th Oct)

Scalings of Spontaneous Rotation in the JET Tokamak


2012 39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, (2nd–6th July)

LHCD Operation with ILW at JET


2011 19th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, (1st - 3rd June)

LH Launcher Arcs Formation and Detection on JET


2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Towards a Steady-State Scenario with ITER Dimensionless Parameters in JET


2010 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, (21st–25th June)

Lower Hybrid Current Drive for the Steady State Scenario


2009 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (29th June–3rd July)

LH Wave Absorption and Current Drive Studies by Application of Modulated LHCD at JET


2009 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (29th June–3rd July)

Development of a Steady-State Scenario in JET with Dimensionless Parameters Approaching ITER Target Values
