2009 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (29th June–3rd July)
Optimizing Performance of Hybrid and AT Discharges in Preparation for the ITER Like Wall
2002 19th IAEA Conference, Lyon, France, (14th–19th October)
Transient Heat Transport Studies in JET Conventional and Advanced Tokamak Plasmas
2002 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, USA, (8th–11th July)
JET Beam-Line with Integrated X-Ray VUV and Visible Spectrometers, for Burning Plasma Experiments
2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)
Peripheral Plasma Perturbations and Transient Improved Confinement in JET Optimized Shear Discharges
2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)
Cold Pulse Propagation Experiments in ITB Plasmas of JET
2014 56th APS DPP Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, (27th–31st October)
Radiation Pattern and Impurity Transport in Impurity Seeded ELMy H-mode Discharges in JET.
Confinement Properties of High Density Impurity Seeded ELMy H-Mode Discharges at Low and High Triangularity on JET
Analysis of Metallic Impurity Density Profiles in Low Collisionality JET H-Mode and L-Mode Plasmas
Simulation of the Time Behaviour of Impurities in JET Ar-Seeded Discharges and its Relation with Sawtoothing and RF Heating