
2010 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Republic of Korea, (10th–16th October)

Comparison of Pedestal Characteristics in JET & JT-60U Similarity Experiments Under Variable Toroidal Field Ripple


2009 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, (29th June–3rd July)

Identity Physics Experiment on Internal Transport Barriers in JT-60U and JET


2002 19th IAEA Conference, Lyon, France, (14th–19th October)

Studies of ELM Heat Load, SOL Flow and Carbon Erosion from Existing Tokamak Experiments, and Projections for ITER


Edge Pedestal Characteristics in JET and JT-60U Tokamaks Under Variable Toroidal Field Ripple


Core Transport Properties in JT-60U and JET Identity Plasmas


2007 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Kloster Seeon, Germany (8th–10th October)

Status of and Prospects for Advanced Tokamak Regimes from Multi-Machine Comparisons using the ‘International Tokamak Physics Activity’ database