C Gowers;
C J Barth;
R Behn;
M Beurskens;
B Kurzan;
P Nielsen;
R Pasqualotto;
M Peres Alonso;
F Orsitto;
J Sanchez;
M Walsh;
D Wilson;
JET-EFDA contributors;
C. Gowers;
C.J. Barth;
R. Behn;
M. Beurskens;
B. Kurzan;
P. Nielsen;
R. Pasqualotto;
M. Peres Alonso;
F. Orsitto;
J. Sanchez;
M. Walsh;
D. Wilson;
and contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme;
C. Gowers;
M. Beurskens;
P. Nielsen;
C. Gowers;
S. Ali-Arshad;
P. Nielsen;
F G Rimini;
P Andrew;
B Balet;
R Budny;
J Bull;
N Deliyanakis;
H de Esch;
L-G Eriksson;
R Giannella;
C Gowers;
H Guo;
T Hender;
G Huysmans;
T T C Jones;
M Keilhacker;
R König;
M Lennholm;
P J Lomas;
M Loughlin;
A Maas;
M Mantsinen;
F Marcus;
F Nave;
V Parail;
J Strachan;
A Taroni;
P R Thomas;
K D Zastrow.;
C. Gowers;
P. Nielsen;
F. Orsitto;
F.J. Pijper;
H. Salzmann;
B. Schunke;
H. Fajemirokun;
C Gowers;
K Hirsch;
T Kajiwara;
P. Nielsen;
H. Salzmann;
JET Team;