
High Resolution LIDAR Thomson Scattering at JET

A high resolution LIDAR Thomson scattering system for JET has been designed, using a streak camera detection system. The best achievable spatial resolution of the existing LIDAR system is 9­l0cm. There is a need for higher resolution than is presently achievable in order to resolve the density and pressure gradients at the plasma edge during H-mode operation of JET. An additional motivation is the possibility of taking high resolution LIDAR snapshots of islands in the core of the plasma. It has been reported that by using a streak camera system, resolution of better than 4cm is in principal possible, over a limited part of the plasma radius. Some feasibility experiments were carried out during a portion of the last JET period of operations (1:9:90–3:11:90). A Hadland 675 Imacon streak camera and 50/40 intensifier formed the detection system, and a Tektronix DCS digitizing CCD camera system recorded the data and transferred it to a PC for analysis. Results obtained on the stray light signature, plasma light levels and our initial attempts to record scattering results are reported here. In addition, some general problems encountered in the operation of the detection system and the interpretation of data are discussed. Using a Thomson CSF streak camera, intensifier and digitizing CCD camera system, and a set of optimized high filters, a system to make high resolution electron temperature and density measurements has been constructed and calibrated.
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