Time-Resonant Tokamak Plasma Edge Instabilities?

For a two week period during the Joint European Torus (JET) 2012 experimental campaign, the same high confinement plasma was repeated 151 times. The dataset was analysed to produce a probability density function (pdf) for the waiting times between edge-localised plasma instabilities ("ELMs"). The result was entirely unexpected. Instead of a smooth single peaked pdf, a succession of 4­5 sharp maxima and minima uniformly separated by 7­8 millisecond intervals was found. Here we explore the causes of this newly observed phenomenon, and conclude that it is either due to a self-organised plasma phenomenon or an interaction between the plasma and a real-time control system. If the maxima are a result of "resonant" frequencies at which ELMs can be triggered more easily, then future ELM control techniques can, and probably will, use them. Either way, these results demand a deeper understanding of the ELMing process.
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