Magnetic Turbulence Associated with Confinement Changes in JET
Depending on auxiliary power, magnetic configuration, and impurities, plasmas in Joint European Torus (JET) exhibit L-H or H-L transitions at the plasma edge and formation of Internal Transport Barriers (ITB) in the plasma core. Amplitude, frequency, and the characteristic wave-vector of electrostatic turbulence were investigated on JET in relation to transport theories by measuring density fluctuations with reflectometry. Some transport theories, such as the "accretion" theory of spontaneous toroidal plasma rotation, or the theory of radiative impurity modes, predict also changes in sign of the phase velocity of prevalent turbulent modes, from the ion drift direction to electron drift direction. In order to identify the sign, phase shifts between signals measured at spatially separated points have to be determined. Toroidally separated Mirnov coils measuring the magnetic component of the perturbations, dBPOL/dt, were used for the sign measurements on JET. This paper shows that the phase magnetic spectrograms exhibit a strong correlation between the types of the magnetic turbulence and confinement regimes in JET with NBI heating. This correlation shows a possibility for MHD spectroscopy similar to, which could identify the confinement regimes from the measured magnetic turbulence spectrum