
ICRF Results in D­T Plasmas in JET and TFTR and Implications for ITER

Recent experiments in D-T plasmas on the JET and TFTR tokamaks have evaluated a wide range of ITER relevant ion cyclotron heating scenarios. Absorption of fast waves at the second harmonic tritium resonance has provided bulk ion heating in TFTR supershots and electron heating in JET H-mode discharges. Deuterium minority heating has generated 1.7MW of fusion power with 6MW of RF power giving a record steady state Q-value of 0.22. Strong bulk ion heating has been achieved with He3 minority heating with central ion temperatures up to 13keV being produced in H-modes with a density of 3.6x1019m-3. Hydrogen, deuterium and He3 minority heating methods have produced plasmas with normalised confinement times greater than or equal to that required by ITER for ignition. These H-modes are characterized by small amplitude, high frequency ELMs, each of which transports less than 1.5% of the plasma energy content to the limiters. The heavy minority scheme of tritium in a deuterium plasma has been demonstrated both as a heating scheme and a generator of suprathermal neutrons. On TFTR mode conversion to an ion Bernstein wave has achieved central bulk ion heating in supershots with target ion temperatures greater than 20keV.
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