
Filament Footprints of Pellet Induced ELMs Observed on Divertor Target

It is currently assumed that a reliable control technique for Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) is mandatory for the success of ITER. Gaining information about the process of inducing ELMs by pellets and reaching some level of understanding is desirable for the design of next step fusion devices and the preparation of successful operation of those. Experiments at ASDEX Upgrade have shown that deuterium ice pellets when reaching the pedestal top instantly induce ELMs up to frequencies twice the natural ELM frequency. It is widely assumed that the instability associated with spontaneous type-I ELMs has a peelingballooning character. Pellet injection is done at one fixed toroidal position both in JET and ASDEX Upgrade. This raises the question, if the spatial structure of the perturbation associated with pellet induced ELMs features a corresponding asymmetry. In this work we show experimental evidence of a significant asymmetry of the Scrape Of L ayer (SOL) heat transport in presence of pellet induced ELMs and its absence for spontaneous ELMs. We further link these results to recent simulations from JOREK indicating that pellet induced ELMs retain this externally forced structure peaking in toroidal direction around one location.
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