Emerging Applications in Tokamak Plasma Control

Many of the articles in this special issue focus on the problem of control of plasma axisymmetric shape and position. It is the best understood of tokamak control problems and, therefore, has the most results to discuss. There are also a large number of other tokamak control problems that are not nearly as mature in control development, but are equally important to continued progress toward the goal of producing energy from fusion. Work on these problems is active and growing rapidly. Areas of active development include work on basic physics understanding, developing actuators and sensors for control, development of control models including experiments to characterize actuators and sensors, experimental use of initial ad hoc controls, and development (and even a few deployments) of sophisticated control algorithms. In this article we provide a brief introduction to several of these control problems. For those problems that are discussed, we provide examples of progress that has been made at different tokamak devices around the world. In almost all cases we are unable, because of space considerations, to provide a complete accounting of all work on a particular class of control problems.
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