
ELM and in-Vessel Coil Programs at PPPL for ITER, DIII-D, and JET

Erosion and damage caused by Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) is a major hurdle on the route towards achieving magnetic fusion energy. Presently the most promising method of mitigating, or even completely suppressing ELMs is to apply Resonant Magnetic field Perturbations (RMP) to the plasma. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is providing design of RMP coil systems for JET and ITER, and has designed CenterPost (CP) or ELM coils for DIII-D. These programs are collaborations with the organizations responsible for installation and operation of the coils. Within PPPL, the programs represent an opportunity to work with other laboratories in a coordinated effort to develop acceptable performance, mechanical design, materials, analyses and manufacturing techniques, for ELM and Vertical Stability (VS) coils. To date, many engineering issues have been identified and resolved.
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