Overview of Material Re-deposition and Fuel Retention Studies at JET with the Gas Box Divertor
In the period 1998 – 2001 the JET tokamak was operated with the Mk-II Gas Box divertor. On two occasions during that period a number of limiter and divertor tiles were retrieved from the torus and then examined ex-situ with surface sensitive techniques. Erosion and deposition patterns were determined in order to assess the material erosion, material migration and fuel inventory on plasma facing components. Tracer techniques, e.g. injection 13C labelled methane and tiles coated with a low-Z and high-Z marker layer, were used to enhance the volume of information on the material transport. The results show significant asymmetry in distribution of fuel and plasma impurity species between the inner (net deposition area) and the outer (net erosion) divertor channels. No significant formation of highly hydrogenated carbon films has been found in the gas box structure. The results are discussed in terms of processes decisive for material migration and the influence of operation scenarios on the morphology of the deposition zones. Comparison is also made to results obtained following campaigns with previous divertors.