Improved Charge Exchange Spectroscopy on JET for Ion Temperature and Rotation Velocity Profiles
The JET edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic has recently been enhanced to extend its spatial coverage and improve its time resolution. Two identical peroscopes have been installed on opposite ports so that they have perfectly symmetrical views of the edge plasma. This matched viewing geometry allows both the poloidal and toroidal components of the impurity ion rotation velocity can be accurately resolved. These measurements play a crucial role in the understanding of the physics of edge phenomena such as Edge Transport Barrier formation and ELMs. The diagnostic also has a more central view of the plasma with a third periscope that faces up towards the top of the vessel. This is a new configuration for the diagnostic and allows the poloidal rotation velocity profile to be measured further in towards the plasma core than previously possible. The new upward facing, core plasma viewing arrangement provides the advantage that the spatial evolution of the Internal Transport Barrier can be tracked from its formation. An additional spectrometer-detector system doubles the total number of CXRS lines of sight that are analysed and improves time resolution from 50ms to 10ms.