Analysis of ELM Heat Pulse Propagation in the JET Scrape-off Layer with an Integrated Fluid-Kinetic Approach
J.S. Lönnroth, G. Corrigan, W. Fundamenski, V. Parail, J. Spence, D. Tskhakaya and JET EFDA contributors Transport in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) is poorly understood, especially during transients such as ELMs. Generally, ELMs give rise to large particle and heat loads at the divertor plates, because the parallel transport along the field lines usually dominates over perpendicular transport across the field lines. Since the parallel motion along the field lines is limited to the convective speed of the particles, separate distinct heat pulses first due to electron heat transport and later due to ion heat transport are first registered at the outer target and subsequently at the inner target, to where the distance along the field lines is greater in the usual case of ELMs occurring at the outer midplane.