2012 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Berkeley, California, USA, (11th–15th June)
A New Generation of Real-Time Systems in the JET Tokamak
2012 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Berkeley, California, USA, (11th–15th June)
Implementation of the Disruption Predictor APODIS in JET’s Real-Time Network using the MARTe Framework
2012 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Berkeley, California, USA, (11th–15th June)
A Real-Time Architecture for the Identification of Faulty Magnetic Sensors in the JET Tokamak
2012 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Berkeley, California, USA, (11th–15th June)
Parallel Task Management Library for MARTe
2012 18th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference, Berkeley, California, USA, (11th–15th June)
Real-Time Processing System for the JET Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Profile Monitor Enhancement