D. Douai;
T. Wauters;
A. Lyssoivan;
V. Philipps;
V. Rohde;
S.H. Hong;
N. Ashikawa;
V. Bobkov;
S. Brémond;
S. Brezinsek;
M. Graham;
E. Joffrin;
G. Lombard;
S.H. Kim;
A. Kreter;
D. Kogut;
M.-L. Mayoral;
J.-M. Noterdaeme;
J. Ongena;
B. Pégourié;
R.A. Pitts;
G. Sergienko;
M. Shimada;
S.J. Wang;
the TORE SUPRA Team;
the TEXTOR Team;
the ASDEX Upgrade Team;
the KSTAR Team;
the ITPA Topical Group on Scrape-Off-Layer & Divertor;
JET EFDA contributors;