2012 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (fec2012), San Diego, USA, (8th–13th Oct)
Modelling of Material Damage and High Energy Impacts on Tokamak PFCs during Transient Loads
2011 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, (20th - 24th June)
Radiation Heat Loads on Plasma-Facing Components of JET during the Massive Gas Injection Experiment
2007 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw, Poland (2nd - 6th July)
Strike-Point and ELM-Dependent Carbon Migration in the JET Inner Divertor
2004 31st EPS Conference, London, UK, (28th June–2nd July)
Inner and Outer Power and Energy Asymmetries during L-Mode Power Staircase Pulses with Forward and Reversed Magnetic Field
2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)
Methane Screening in JET Reverse Field Experiments
2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)
Outer Divertor Target Impurity Deposition during Reversed Magnetic Field Operation in JET
2001 28th EPS Conference, Madeira, Portugal, (18th–22nd June)
Recent Results from Helium Plasma Operation in JET
A Parallel Transport Model of Tokamak Power Exhaust Transients