Experimental Tests of Confinement Scale Invariance on JET, DIIID, ASDEX Upgrade and CMOD
J P Christiansen;
R Budny;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
M Greenwald;
O Gruber;
A Hubbard;
I Hutchinson;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
C Lowry;
T Luce;
H Meister;
S de Peña Hempel;
C Petty;
F Ryter;
H Salzmann;
B Schunke;
J Schweinzer;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
K Thomsen;
B Tubbing;
S Wolfe;
Alcator C-Mod Team;
DIII-D Team;
JET Team.;
Particle Transport in Steady-state ELMy H-modes studied by Trace Tritium Injection during JET DTE-1
K-D Zastrow;
P Andrew;
N P Basse;
P Breger;
R Budny;
W G F Core;
J Ehrenberg;
M G von Hellermann;
O N Jarvis;
R W T König;
L Lauro-Taroni;
M J Loughlin;
F B Marcus;
G F Matthews;
M G O'Mullane;
G J Sadler;
J D Strachan;
N Watkins.;
High D-T Fusion Performance in ELM-free H-modes in JET
F G Rimini;
P Andrew;
B Balet;
R Budny;
J Bull;
N Deliyanakis;
H de Esch;
L-G Eriksson;
R Giannella;
C Gowers;
H Guo;
T Hender;
G Huysmans;
T T C Jones;
M Keilhacker;
R König;
M Lennholm;
P J Lomas;
M Loughlin;
A Maas;
M Mantsinen;
F Marcus;
F Nave;
V Parail;
J Strachan;
A Taroni;
P R Thomas;
K D Zastrow.;
Sawtooth Stability in JET Deuterium-Tritium discharges
M F F Nave;
K G McClements;
B Balet;
D Borba;
R Budny;
C G Gimblett;
N Gorelenkov;
R J Hastie;
T C Hender;
P Lomas;
J Manickam;
P Thomas;
P Smeulders.;
High Performance and High Density Steady State D-T Plasmas in JET
L D Horton;
B Balet;
R Budny;
S Clement;
G D Conway;
J G Cordey;
G Fishpool;
J Lingertat;
C F Maggi;
R D Monk;
G Saibene;
R Sartori;
R Smith;
K Thomsen;
M von Hellermann.;
Confinement Identity Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET
K Thomsen;
R Budny;
J P Chistiansen;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
O Gruber;
S de Pena Hempel;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
F Ryter1;
G Sadler;
H Salzman;
J Schmeiner;
H B Schunke;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
B Tubbing.;
Transport Analysis of High Performance JET Discharges in D, D-T and T Plasmas
B Balet;
Y Baranov;
R Budny;
G A Cottrell.;