Y. Liang;
H.R. Koslowski;
P.R. Thomas;
E. Nardon;
S. Jachmich;
A. Alfier;
G. Arnoux;
Y. Baranov;
M. Bécoulet;
M. Beurskens;
R. Coelho;
Th. Eich;
E. De La Luna;
W. Fundamenski;
S. Gerasimov;
C. Giroud;
M.P. Gryaznevich;
A. Huber;
V. Kiptily;
A. Kreter;
L. Moreira;
V. Parail;
S.D. Pinches;
S. Saarelma;
O. Schmitz;
JET EFDA contributors;
G. Saibene;
R. Sartori;
P. de Vries;
A. Loarte;
J. Lönnroth;
V. Parail;
A. Salmi;
P.R. Thomas;
P. Andrew;
Y. Andrew;
R. Budny;
A. Boboc;
I Coffey;
E de la Luna;
P.J. Lomas;
S. Gerasimov;
C. Giroud;
J. Hobirk;
S. Hotchin;
T. Johnson;
C. Lescure;
D.C. McDonald;
I. Nunes;
N. Oyama;
V. Riccardo;
H. Urano;
JET EFDA contributors;
Y. Liang;
H.R. Koslowski;
P.R. Thomas;
E. Nardon;
S. Jachmich;
B. Alper;
P. Andrew;
Y. Andrew;
G. Arnoux;
Y. Baranov;
M. Bécoulet;
M. Beurskens;
T. Biewer;
M. Bigi;
K. Crombe;
E. De La Luna;
P. de Vries;
T. Eich;
H.G. Esser;
W. Fundamenski;
S. Gerasimov;
C. Giroud;
M.P. Gryaznevich;
D. Harting;
N. Hawkes;
S. Hotchin;
D. Howell;
A. Huber;
M. Jakubowski;
V. Kiptily;
A. Kreter;
L. Moreira;
V. Parail;
S.D. Pinches;
E. Rachlew;
O. Schmitz;
O. Zimmermann;
JET EFDA contributors;
H.R. Koslowski;
Y. Liang;
P.R. Thomas;
E. Nardon;
S. Jachmich;
Y. Baranov;
M. Bécoulet;
M. Beurskens;
E. De La Luna;
P. de Vries;
T. Eich;
W. Fundamenski;
M.P. Gryaznevich;
D. Howell;
N. Hawkes;
M. Jakubowski;
S. D. Pinches;
O. Schmitz;
O. Zimmermann;
JET-EFDA contributors;
I. Jenkins;
C.D. Challis;
G. Bonheure;
V. Kiptily;
J. Ongena;
S. Popovichev;
P.R. Thomas;
P.C. de Vries;
JET EFDA contributors;
R. Guirlet;
C. Angioni;
C. Bourdelle;
L. Carraro;
N. Dubuit;
R. Dux;
X. Garbet;
C. Giroud;
G.T. Hoang;
V. Naulin;
T. Parisot;
M.E. Puiatti;
P. Str;
P.R. Thomas;
H. Weisen;
K.D. Zastrow;
JET-EFDA Contributors;
R. Sartori;
P. Lomas;
G. Saibene;
P.R. Thomas;
O. Sauter;
B. Alper;
Y Andrew;
P. Belo;
T. Bolzonella;
I. Coffey;
C. Giroud;
K. Guenther;
D. Howell;
L.C. Ingesson;
M. Kempenaars;
H.R. Koslowski;
A. Korotkov;
H. Leggate;
E. de la Luna;
G. Maddison;
D.C. McDonald;
A. Meigs;
P. Monier Garbet;
V. Parail;
R. Pasqualotto;
C.P. Perez;
F.G. Rimini;
J. Stober;
K. Thomsen;
JET EFDA Contributors;
J. Stober;
P. Lomas;
G. Saibene;
Y. Andrew;
P. Belo;
G.D. Conway;
L.D. Horton;
M. Kempenaars;
H.R. Koslowski;
A. Loarte;
G.P. Maddison;
M. Maraschek;
D.C. McDonald;
A.G. Meigs;
P. Monier-Garbet;
D.A. Mossessian;
M.F.F. Nave;
N. Oyama;
V. Parail;
Ch.P. Perez;
F. Rimini;
R. Sartori;
A.C.C. Sips;
P.R. Thomas;
the ASDEX Upgrade Team;
JET EFDA Contributors;
G. Saibene;
P.J. Lomas;
J. Stober;
R. Sartori;
A. Loarte;
F.G. Rimini;
Y. Andrew;
S.A. Arshad;
P. Belo;
M. Kempenaars;
H.R. Koslowski;
J.S. Lonnroth;
D.C. McDonald;
A.G. Meigs;
P. Monier-Garbet;
M.F.F. Nave;
V. Parail;
C.P. Perez;
P.R. Thomas;
JET EFDA Contributors;
K. Thomsen;
B. Balet;
D.J. Campbell;
C.D. Challis;
J.G. Cordey;
N. Deliyanakis;
J.J. Ellis;
C.M. Greenfield;
N. Hawkes;
D.G. Muir;
D.P. O'Brien;
R. Reichle;
D. Stork;
P. Stubberfield;
P.R. Thomas;
the JET Team;