2008 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostic (HTPD), Albuquerque, New Mexico (11th–15th May)
In-Situ Calibration of the Correlation Reflectometry Systems on the Joint European Torus Tokamak
2006 33rd EPS Conference, Rome, Italy (19th - 23rd June)
Neutron Emission Spectroscopy Diagnosis of JET D plasmas with the new MPRu Instrument
2006 33rd EPS Conference, Rome, Italy (19th - 23rd June)
First Results from the New TOFOR Neutron Spectrometer at JET
2006 16th HTPD Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (7th - 11th May)
The New MPRu Instrument for Neutron Emission Spectroscopy at JET
2006 16th HTPD Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (7th - 11th May)
Development and Characterization of the Proton Recoil Detector for the MPRu Neutron Spectrometer
2004 15th HTPD Conference, San Diego, California, USA, (18th–22nd April)
Upgrade of the X-mode Reflectometry Diagnostic for Radial Correlation Measurements in JET
2003 4th IAEA Conference, San Diego, California, USA, (21st–23rd July)
A PCI Time Digitizer for the New JET Time-of-Flight Neutron Spectrometer
2003 4th IAEA Conference, San Diego, California, USA, (21st–23rd July)
PCI Transient Recorder Module for the JET Magnetic Proton Recoil Neutron Spectrometer
2001 3rd IAEA TCM on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation, Padova, (16th–19th July)
A Large Memory, High Transfer Rate VME Data Acquisition System for the JET Correlation Reflectometer
The Thin Foil Magnetic Proton Recoil Neutron Spectrometer MPRu at JET