2008 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostic (HTPD), Albuquerque, New Mexico (11th–15th May)
Enhancements to the JET Poloidally Scanning VUV/Visible Spectrometers
2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)
Identication of Molecular Carbon Sources in the JET Divertor by Means of Emission Spectroscopy
2004 16th PSI Conference, Portland, Maine, USA, (24th–28th May)
Outer Divertor Target Impurity Deposition during Reversed Magnetic Field Operation in JET
2002 17th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, USA, (8th–11th July)
JET Beam-Line with Integrated X-Ray VUV and Visible Spectrometers, for Burning Plasma Experiments