Validation of 1999 JET Gas Box Divertor Data
J G Cordey;
T C Hender;
D C McDonald;
A Demonstration of the ‘Isotope Wind Tunnel Principle’ in JET and its Use in Predicting Reactor Performance
J.G. Cordey;
R. Budny;
B. Alper;
J.P. Christiansen;
I. Coffey;
K. Erents;
P. Harbour;
L.D. Horton;
K. Lawson;
G.F. Matthews;
G. Saibene;
R. Sartori;
J. Strachan;
K. Thomsen;
Isotope Identity Experiments in JET
J.G. Cordey;
B. Alper;
R. Budny;
J.P. Christiansen;
I. Coffey;
K. Erents;
P. Harbour;
L.D. Horton;
K. Lawson;
G.F. Matthews;
G. Saibene;
R. Sartori;
J. Strachan;
K. Thomsen;
Plasma Confinement in JET H-mode Plasmas with H, D, D-T and T Isotopes
J.G. Cordey;
B. Balet;
D.V. Bartlett;
R. Budny;
J.P. Christiansen;
G.D. Conway;
L-G. Eriksson;
G. Fishpool;
C.W. Gowers;
J.C.M. de Haas;
P.J. Harbour;
L.D. Horton;
A.C. Howman;
J.G. Jacquinot;
W.O.K. Kerner;
C.G. Lowry;
R.D. Monk;
P. Nielsen ;
F.G. Rimini;
G.R. Saibene;
R. Sartori;
B. Schunke;
A.C.C. Sips;
R.J. Smith;
M.F. Stamp;
D.F.H. Start;
K. Thomsen, ;
B.J.D. Tubbing;
Studies in JET Divertors of Varied Geometry II: Impurity Seeded Plasmas
G.F. Matthews;
B. Balet;
J.G. Cordey;
S.J. Davies;
G. Fishpool;
H-Y. Guo;
L .D. Horton;
M. von Hellermann;
L.C. Ingesson;
J. Lingertat;
A. Loarte;
G.M. McCracken;
C.F. Maggi;
R.D. Monk;
V. Parail;
R. Reichle;
M.F. Stamp;
P.C. Stangeby;
D. Stork;
A. Taroni;
G. Vlases;
K-D Zastrow;
Beta Scaling of Confinement
J.P. Christiansen;
J.G. Cordey;
The Scaling of the Edge Electron Temperature at the L-H Transition Based on the Alfvén Drift-Wave Instability
J.G. Cordey;
W. Kerner;
O. Pogutse;
Yu. Igitkhanov;
G. Janeschitz;
Experimental Tests of Confinement Scale Invariance on JET, DIIID, ASDEX Upgrade and CMOD
J P Christiansen;
R Budny;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
M Greenwald;
O Gruber;
A Hubbard;
I Hutchinson;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
C Lowry;
T Luce;
H Meister;
S de Peña Hempel;
C Petty;
F Ryter;
H Salzmann;
B Schunke;
J Schweinzer;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
K Thomsen;
B Tubbing;
S Wolfe;
Alcator C-Mod Team;
DIII-D Team;
JET Team.;
High Performance and High Density Steady State D-T Plasmas in JET
L D Horton;
B Balet;
R Budny;
S Clement;
G D Conway;
J G Cordey;
G Fishpool;
J Lingertat;
C F Maggi;
R D Monk;
G Saibene;
R Sartori;
R Smith;
K Thomsen;
M von Hellermann.;
Confinement Identity Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET
K Thomsen;
R Budny;
J P Chistiansen;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
O Gruber;
S de Pena Hempel;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
F Ryter1;
G Sadler;
H Salzman;
J Schmeiner;
H B Schunke;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
B Tubbing.;