MHD Stability of Optimised Shear Discharges in JET
G.T.A. Huysmans;
T.C. Hender;
B. Alper;
Y. Baranov;
D.N. Borba;
G.D. Conway;
G. Cottrell;
C. Gormezano;
P. Helander;
O.J. Kwon;
M.F.F. Nave;
A.C.C. Sips;
F.X. Söldner;
E.J. Strait;
W Zwingmann;
The JET Team;
Experimental Tests of Confinement Scale Invariance on JET, DIIID, ASDEX Upgrade and CMOD
J P Christiansen;
R Budny;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
M Greenwald;
O Gruber;
A Hubbard;
I Hutchinson;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
C Lowry;
T Luce;
H Meister;
S de Peña Hempel;
C Petty;
F Ryter;
H Salzmann;
B Schunke;
J Schweinzer;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
K Thomsen;
B Tubbing;
S Wolfe;
Alcator C-Mod Team;
DIII-D Team;
JET Team.;
Stability of Alpha Particle Driven Alfvén Eigenmodes in High Performance JET D-T Plasmas
S Sharapov;
D Borba;
L-G Eriksson;
A Fasoli;
G Huysmans;
W Kerner;
M Mantsinen.;
High D-T Fusion Performance in ELM-free H-modes in JET
F G Rimini;
P Andrew;
B Balet;
R Budny;
J Bull;
N Deliyanakis;
H de Esch;
L-G Eriksson;
R Giannella;
C Gowers;
H Guo;
T Hender;
G Huysmans;
T T C Jones;
M Keilhacker;
R König;
M Lennholm;
P J Lomas;
M Loughlin;
A Maas;
M Mantsinen;
F Marcus;
F Nave;
V Parail;
J Strachan;
A Taroni;
P R Thomas;
K D Zastrow.;
D-T Mixture Control with Neutral Beam Fuelling and Importance of Particle Recycling and Isotope Exchange in the JET ELM-free H-mode
T T C Jones;
P Andrew;
B Alper;
B Balet;
A Cherubini;
J P Christiansen;
F Cristanti;
R de Angelis;
H P L de Esch;
N Deliyanakis;
F de Luca;
M Erba;
A Edwards;
L G Eriksson;
C Flewin;
P Galli;
C W Gowers;
G Gorini;
K Günther;
H Guo;
N C Hawkes;
T C Hender;
G Huysmans;
R König;
K D Lawson;
H Lingertat;
M Mantsinen;
K McCormick;
A C Maas;
F B Marcus;
M F Nave;
V Parail;
L Porte;
F G Rimini;
B Schunke;
P Smeulders;
A Taroni;
P R Thomas;
G Saibene;
K-D Zastrow.;
Confinement Identity Experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JET
K Thomsen;
R Budny;
J P Chistiansen;
J G Cordey;
J C Fuchs;
O Gruber;
S de Pena Hempel;
G Huysmans;
P Lomas;
F Ryter1;
G Sadler;
H Salzman;
J Schmeiner;
H B Schunke;
J Stober;
W Suttrop;
B Tubbing.;
Identification of External Kink Modes in JET
G. Huysmans;
T. Hender;
B. Alper;
MHD Related Transport Analysis in JET
B Balet;
G Huysmans;
MFF Nave;
P Smeulders;
JA Wesson;
Investigation of Momentum Detachment in a Static Gas Target
K Borass;
G Huysmans;
Shear Reversal and MHD Activity during Pellet Enhanced Performance Plasmas in JET
M. Hugon;
B. Ph van Milligen;
P. Smeulders;
L. Appel;
D. Bartlett;
D. Boucher;
A. Edwards;
L. Eriksson;
C. Gowers;
T.C. Hender;
G Huysmans;
J. Jacquinot;
P. Kupschus;
L. Porte;
P.H. Rebut;
D. Start;
F. Tibone;
B.J.D. Tubbing;
M. Watkins;
W. Zwingmann;
JET Team;