
Triton Burn up Studies at JET

Triton Burn up Neutrons (TBN) have long been used to infer the confinement properties of a particles in the JET tokamak. 1-MeV tritons from the d+d->t+p reaction have similar orbits to 3.5-MeV a's which makes them suitable for simulation of certain a particle confinement properties, e.g. prompt losses. Only confined tritons can contribute to the TBN emission. Hence triton losses will lead to a reduction in the TBN emission which can be observed experimentally. On JET new plasma regimes are being investigated which have relatively low plasma current. In some cases the current profile can be hollow. That is the case, for instance, of the so-called advanced regimes, which can feature a plasma core with depleted current. The confinement of a particles and, more generally, of fast ions, is strongly affected by the poloidal magnetic field, its profile and the magnetic plasma topology. In this contribution we present the results of analysis of TBN measurements in H-mode plasmas of JET. These plasmas have a canonical current profile and provide a reference against which advanced regimes can be compared. The data refer to the period October 2000-May 2002.
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EFDC030125 880.40 Kb