The Joint European Torus Personnel Dosimetry Service
The Joint European Torus JETPersonnel Dosimetry Service (PDS) provides dosemeters for approximately 250 radiation workers. This is a relatively small number of people, but the unique nature of JET and its low radiation working limits have made the provision of an autonomous service necessary. The efficiency of such a small service is greatly enhanced by computcrisation of the dose measurement and record keeping. The Service uses thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLDs) for routine dose measurement and, in addition, small Geiger-Müller based dosemeters in the higher radiation environments. The computer used is a NORD-100 which is part of the JET computer network. The software is written in FORTRAN and uses a hashed database. An important feature of the software is that it presents a consistent interface between the user and the program and database interactions. The system has worked quite effectively for three years with only two problems arising during its use: Recently introduced legislation has resulted in changes having to be made to the software and database. The modular structure of the software has enabled changes to be incorporated, but the database has proved to be rather inflexible. A conflict between computer availability and the demands on the PDS has arisen during maintenance periods. While this can be overcome by close co operation A solution to these problems would be to move the PDS to a stand alone computer supporting an Indexed SequentialAccess Method (ISAM) database.