The Effect of Energetic Particles on Sawteeth
The control of sawteeth is likely to be of critical importance for baseline scenario operation of burning plasmas as large amplitude sawteeth have been shown to result in the triggering of neoclassical tearing modes, which in turn can significantly degrade confinement. The stabilising effects of alpha particles in burning plasmas are likely to exacerbate this, so recent experiments have identified various methods for amelioration. For example, counter Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) operation demonstrates that shorter sawtooth periods than those in Ohmically heated plasmas can be achieved in JET, MAST and TEXTOR. It is found that whilst the energetic trapped particles are always stabilising, passing particles can be destabilising. Furthermore, the effects of sheared toroidal flow are found to cause both a change to the electric potential experienced by the particles and alter the frequency of the particles in resonance with the mode, which results in a significant change in the stabilising effect of the trapped particles, in agreement with analytic theory.