The 2.5-MeV Neutron Time of Flight Spectrometer for Optimised Count Rate (TOFOR)
Neutron Emission Spectroscopy (NES) diagnostic can give valuable information of both thermal and auxiliary heated tokamak plasmas. The information can be achieved given that the neutron yield rate (Yn) is high and that the NES diagnostic can operate at high count rates. This has been demonstrated with the Magnetic Proton Recoil (MPR) neutron spectrometer [1] at the Joint European Torus (JET). The MPR has reached count rates of 0.6MHz measuring the neutron emission from d + t Æ a + n reactions in deuterium-tritium (DT) plasmas. To achieve the same NES performance in pure D-plasmas, the efficiency of the instrument must be a factor of 100 higher due to the lower Yn value of the d + d Æ 3He + n reaction so correspondingly higher efficiency is needed. This can be achieved with the time-of-flight technique but it has a problem in the count rate Cn capability so the design must be optimized to approach its intrinsic upper limit. This project is about the time-of-flight optimized for rate (TOFOR), which is a NES diagnostic designed for high count rates to give high quality data for D-plasmas comparable with those obtained with the MPR for DT-plasmas. The Cn limitation is due to the fact that it is a coincidence measurement based on neutron events in two different detectors. The coincidence can be of two types, true and accidental, and the accidental fraction increases with Cn so the system suffers paralysis. So it is essential to control and minimize the fraction of accidental. The principle design and fundamental specifications of the TOFOR concept has been presented earlier [2] with an estimated count rate of up to 0.5 MHz. The results obtained with the MPR spectrometer [3] can be used as a basis to predict what NES diagnostics can provide for D-plasmas based on measurements of the 2.5-MeV neutron emitted form d + d Æ 3He + n reactions.