Scaling of Rotation and Momentum Confinement in JET Plasmas

An extensive database to study the scaling of rotation and momentum transport has been constructed at JET. The database contains information from various operational scenarios, amongst them H-mode discharges, and parameters that characterise the rotation, as well as those that describe the general plasma conditions. Dimensionless Mach numbers are introduced to quantify rotation. The scaling of plasma rotation and the Mach numbers in particular has been studied. The thermal and Alfvén Mach numbers were found to scale inversely with q and with the ratio of torque and additional heating power. Although the momentum and energy confinement times were found to be of the same magnitude, the ratio was found to vary. Regression analyses showed a dependency of both the energy and momentum confinement times on plasma rotation. If rotation was included in the scaling model of energy and momentum confinement the quality of the fits substantially improved. Detailed analysis of the core and edge (pedestal) confinement showed that momentum confinement was improved in the core of the plasma compared with the energy confinement. However, the pedestal proved to be less confining for the momentum than for the energy.
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