Recent Results from JET
The latest results obtained in the JET experiment are summarized. Discharges with the, fusion triple product nD(0)τETi(0) ≈ 9.5 ± 0.5x1020 m-3 s keV have been achieved. In deuterium plasmas the reaction rate is RDD ≈ 7.3x1016s-1 corresponding to QDD ≈ 2.4x10-3. Simulations of the fusion yield in mixed deuterium and tritium plasmas predict 0.85 < QDT < 0.95. This is close to the point of break-even and within a factor 6 of the value required for ignition. These results have been obtained by careful optimization of the tokamak operating conditions and by exploiting various new machine facilities to further improve plasma purity and to enhance the efficiency of ion cyclotron heating. The results of detailed experiments to improve understanding of tokamak physics are also reported.