Power Exhaust on JET: An Overview of Dedicated Experiments
Energy transport in the SOL was studied for a variety of JET plasmas with an emphasis on Type-I ELMy H-mode. Under ITER relevant, low collisionality conditions, inter-ELM radial energy transport was found to be dominated by (neo-)classical ion conduction, i.e. by diffusion of heat due to ion-ion collisions. The radial convection of the ELM filaments with <v^> ~ 0.6±0.3 km/s, <v^/cs> ~ 0.2 % and <v^>/<cs> ~ 0.3±0.1 % agrees well with a sheath-limited model of plasmoid propagation. Within the filament, the electrons are cooled more rapidly than the ions, which retain much of their initial energy when striking the outboard limiter.