
Plasma-Edge Gradients in L-mode and ELM-Free H-mode JET Plasmas

Experimental plasma-edge gradients of electron and ion densities and temperatures in JET during the ELM-free H-mode are examined for the presence of the transport barrier region inside the magnetic separatrix. High spatial resolution data in electron density is available from a Li-beam diagnostic, and in electron temperature from an ECE diagnostic. A reciprocating probe provides highly spatially resolved electron density and temperature data in the SOL outside the separatrix. Ion temperatures and densities are measured using an edge charge-exchange diagnostic. A comparison of the electron density gradients in L-mode and H-mode is made. The behaviour of observed widths and gradients of this edge region are compared with each other and with theoretical expectations. The electron temperature barrier width (3-4cm) is about twice that of electron density. By suitable parameterisation of the edge data, an electron pressure gradient can be estimated. This is seen to rise during the ELM-free phase to reach about half the marginal pressure gradient expected from ballooning stability before the first ELM. Subsequent ELMs are seen to occur on a pressure gradient contour given by either a constant barrier width model or a ballooning mode envelope model of width (ρ/a)2/3r, the normalised ion Larmor radius.
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JETP97033 154.63 Kb