Overview of the Specialist Assessments Undertaken to Support the JET Safety Case Review
The Joint European Torus (JET) operates using deuterium as a fuel but has also operated in D-T mode where the fusion reaction is fuelled by deuterium and tritium. To justify the safety of the experiments, safety reports are produced and approved. The Safety Case has recently undergone a periodic safety review and preparations are being made to undertake a tritium campaign in 2015.To provide information regarding the compatibility between reactor-grade plasma and the materials facing the plasma, an "ITER-like wall""was installed in JET comprising beryllium first wall tiles, solid tungsten and CFC tungsten coated tiles in the divertor region. In the prospect of the next D-T campaign with the new wall, the following areas of specialist assessment have been identified: - Engineering Fit for Purpose assessment of Key Safety Related Equipment, - Human Factor assessment of Key Safety Management Requirement, This paper will present a status report of these assessments and the methodology applied. Along with the results of a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) analysis using the CEA developed thermal hydraulics code CATHARE 2 V25-2.