
"Overview of JET Post-Mortem Results Following the 2007-9 Operational Period, and Comparisons with Previous Campaigns"

During 2010 all the plasma-facing components were removed from JET so that the carbon-based surfaces could be replaced with beryllium or tungsten as part of the ITER-Like Wall project (ILW). This gives unprecedented opportunities for post-mortem analyses of these plasma-facing surfaces; this paper reviews data obtained so far and relates the information to studies of tiles removed during previous JET shutdowns. The general pattern of erosion/deposition at the JET divertor has been maintained, with deposition of impurities in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) at the inner divertor, and preferential removal of carbon and transport into the corner. However, the remaining films in the SOL contain very high Be:C ratios at the surface. The first measurements of erosion using a tile profiler have been completed, with up to 200 microns erosion being recorded at points on the inner wall guard limiters.
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