
Observation of Slow Sawtooth Reconnection in JET Low-shear Discharges

Tokamak discharges in the "hybrid" scenario, with a wide area of low magnetic shear and central safety factor close to one, have shown improved confinement and MHD stability at high beta. The hybrid scenario is intermediate between the reference H-mode with central q well below one and the reversed shear scenario. Neoclassical Tearing Modes (NTM) or fishbone modes occur in the hybrid scenario without degrading the confinement and possibly contribute to keeping the current profile stationary. One important issue for the validation of the hybrid scenario is the stability of the q1 region in the presence of dominant electron heating. Such a regime has been recently investigated in experiments at JET. An MHD mode that provokes very slow temperature oscillations without affecting global performance has been found in these experiments.
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