
Observation of Energetic Ions in Ion Cyclotron Heated DT Plasmas using Neutron Emission Spectroscopy

Neutron Emission Spectroscopy (NES) measurements in plasmas subjected to Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) were performed during the DT experimental campaign on JET (1997). A magnetic proton recoil (MPR) neutron spectrometer was used for the measurements, which provided high quality data for a broad range of plasma conditions [1]. This paper presents NES results from plasmas with fundamental minority heating schemes, (D)T and (T)D, as well as ICRH tuned to the second harmonic of tritons (2wCT), see Table 1. The results illustrate the type of diagnostic information on energetic fuel ions that NES can provide. The neutron emission spectrum arising from ICRH driven energetic ions is strongly anisotropic. Its shape depends on the viewing line angle (a) relative to the magnetic field. This is shown in a NES simulation of fusion reactions of monoenergetic deuterons with cold tritons (Fig.1) where a pitch angle range 90°±10° was assumed for the deuterons. The spectral width is largest in the radial direction where the spectrum has a characteristic double-hump shape; this feature disappears for a tangential view. For an oblique view the spectral width scales roughly as sina [2]. The anisotropicity provides a distinct signature of the plasma response to ICRH power injection and can be measured with a neutron spectrometer of suitable measurement capabilities.
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