
Non-Thermal DT Yield with (D)T ICRH Heating in JET

Projections of the (D)T fusion yield expected during fundamental ICRH heating of D in JET tritium plasmas are presented. The highest fusion multiplication factor, Q (Pfus/Prf), is achieved for a relatively high plasma density (ne0 > 5¥1019 m­3) and minority concentration ratio nD/nT @ 20­40% with dipole antenna (k|| 7m­1). The latter reduces mode conversion and maximizes the RF power coupled to the minority ions. The authors have used ray-tracing and global wave ICRH codes to calculate power deposition profiles; 80% is cyclotron damped by deuterium and 17% is coupled directly to electrons via TTMP and Landau damping. With launched RF power Prf = 12MW deposited 0.3m off-axis, the authors predict fusion powers Pfus up to 8MW for a range of JET plasmas with achieved plasma pressure ne0Te0 = 6¥1020 keV m­3 and Zeff = 2. Projecting to Prf =25MW, Pfus increases in 17MW with Zeff = 2.
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