
New Bolometry Cameras for the JET Enhanced Performance Phase

Two new bolometer cameras, for horizontal and vertical views of the plasma cross section, are under construction for the Enhanced Performance Phase of JET, to begin in 2005. These cameras replace previous cameras in operation and represent a substantial upgrade in capabilities: More viewing chords over a larger viewing angle, higher detectable energy range, higher sensitivity, lower noise level and therefore lower detectable signal (~1mW/cm2 for t = 2ms vs. ~70mW/cm2 for t = 20ms). The detectors are essentially the same as those in use on ASDEX-Upgrade (gold energy-absorbing layer, mica substrate, gold meander), whereby the absorber layer has been increased in thickness from 4 to 8m in order to extend sensitivity to 8keV. Each camera is comprised of 24 channels, with a particularly fine spatial resolution in the divertor region of ~8cm. Definition of the lines-of-sight is attained by a collimator arrangement for the vertical camera and use of pinholes for the horizontal camera. Salient design features of these cameras are described.
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