
Neutron Spectrometry of JET Discharges with ICRH-Acceleration of Helium Beam Ions

Recent experiments at JET aimed at producing 4He ions in the MeV range through 3rd harmonic ICRH acceleration of 4He beams in a 4He plasma. MeV range D was also present through parasitic ICRH absorption on residual D. In this contribution, we analyze TOFOR neutron spectrometer data from these experiments. A consistent description of the data is obtained with d(d,n)3He and 9Be(a,n)12C neutron components calculated using Stix distributions for the fast D and 4He, taking finite Larmor radius effects into account and with a ICRH power partition of PDRF = 0.01¥P4HeRF, in agreement with TOMCAT simulations.
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