Modelling of Experiments with ITER-Relevant q-profile Control at High bN by Means of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive
Recent works, including the effect of spectral broadening due to wave physics of the plasma edge, show that non inductive current is efficiently driven in Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) plasmas in JET, at about two thirds of the minor radius, by Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD). Modelling of q and magnetic shear profiles has been used to design ITER-relevant ITB discharges for JET at high bN (2.5). This shows that low/negative shear (s -0.1) at normalized radii r 0.71 and r 0.75 would be sustained for two seconds by operating with launched n//Peak = 2.3. Results of LHCD modelling relevant to the ITB scenario of ITER [4] are discussed. The current (efficiency, h 0.2¥1020 MA m-2 MW-1) is mostly driven at: i) at r/a 0.80 by considering moderate LH spectral broadening effects at the edge, ii) at r/a 0.75 with weaker effects, as would be expected in the case of lower operating electron temperatures in the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL). ITB experiments of FTU at high magnetic field (8T) by means of LHCD performed during the current ramp-up are also considered. Predictive modelling of combined LHCD and Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH) in extraordinary (X)-mode has been performed to try to find ways to extend the ITB parameter-space.