
Modelling and Analysis of the ICRH Heating Experiments in JET ITB Regimes

In order to establish if the physical mechanism involved in the electron ITB (Internal transport Barrier) is the same as in an ion ITB, a direct heating of the plasma ions by ICRH (Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating) in the "minority heating regime" (3He minority in Deuterium), without NBI (Neutral Beam Injection), (except for the diagnostic charge-exchange and the MSE beams), has been provided in an experiment on JET. Such discharges are characterized by a well developed electron ITB in presence of non-monotonic q-profile. A very accurate experiment preparation is necessary to establish how much power will be absorbed by ions. In this work we will present an improvement of the calculation performed to analyze the previous experiment based on the use of the 2D full wave code TORIC which takes into account both the JET magnetic field structure and the antenna radiated power pattern. These new evaluations have been used to re-visit the experimental data of the last campaign (C13 2004) and to prepare the next JET experiment. Moreover, a code that solves the 2D quasi-linear Fokker-Planck equation (SSQLFP) has been applied in order to establish the redistribution of the power from the minority to the principal species of the plasma (electrons and majority ions) by collisions. Transport calculation that uses the above power deposition profiles as the starting point have been also performed.
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