Material Transport by Erosion and Redeposition on Surface Probes in the Scrape-Off Layer of JET
The material transport by erosion and redeposition at the plasma facing wall areas in high temperature plasma experiments has been studied using limiter like carbon probes with well defined surface deposits and depth markers. The probes have been exposed in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of the Joint European Torus (JET) during single discharges. For the evaluation of these experiments a computer program ERO has been developed. The calculated erosion/deposition rates for carbon as a function of the distance to the last closed flux surface (LCFS) agree well with the experimental results. For a single 4He JET discharge erosion yields of 530Å for the Si deposit and 80Å for V have been measured near the LCFS. A large amount of redeposited Si (about 17% of the sputtered atoms) has been found on the probe surface in co-deposition with carbon on an area not favourable by the proposed model. This observation can be explained by an additional force on the impurity ions (for example the existence of a local electric field) which may cause the deposition.