
JET RF Dominated Scenarios and Ion ITB Experiments with Low External Momentum Input

Advanced Tokamak scenarios include two different regimes: the "steady state" (characterized by the presence of an Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) ) and the "hybrid scenario" (characterized by central q > 1 and a large region with magnetic shear close to zero). So far both the regimes, at least for the ion species, have always been obtained in presence of strong injection of external momentum by Neutrals Beam Injection (NBI) heating. By using Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) to sustain the central q slightly above one and with a large plasma region having the magnetic shear s close to zero, an "hybrid scenario" has been established, for the first time, in discharges with dominant Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) and with a normalized beta close to two. By starting from a configuration with reversed magnetic shear (sustained only by LHCD) and with a well established ITB on the electron species, an ITB also on the ions species has been obtained by using ICRH in an ion minority heating scheme, (3He)D. No external momentum input was provided by the NBI, except for the diagnostic charge-exchange and the MSE beams. In these discharges the evaluated ExB shearing rate was always very small (in the noisy range) and lower than analytical evaluations of the turbulence growth rate.
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