Hydrogen and Helium Recycling in Tokamaks with Carbon Walls
This paper presents a review of hydrogen and helium recycling phenomena in tokamaks with limiters and walls largely made out of carbon (graphite, a-C:H layers). The key points of interest are the plasma fuelling efficiency, the wall pumping phenomena as observed in JET, TFTR, TEXTOR and other machines under various fuelling schemes (gas, neutral beams, pellets), the release of hydrogen/helium from material surfaces during and after plasma discharges and the long term retention (total particle inventory) of hydrogen in graphite or carbonised structures in tokamaks. The effect of a combined hydrogen/helium plasma on recycling is also discussed. It is shown that only part of the above phenomena can be understood in tenus of processes between hydrogen/helium and carbon as known from simulation experiments (ion beams, gas discharge facilities) and that others (in particular the JET wall pumping phenomena) have still to be explained. Possible mechanisms are outlined and discussed by means of global models.