
High Confinement Regime in the Presence of (3,2) Neoclassical Tearing Modes

The onset of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) is regarded as the most severe limitation to the maximum achievable normalised plasma pressure bN(bN = btaBt/Ip, bt = 2m0 < p > /B2t, Bt: toroidal magnetic field , < p >: averaged plasma pressure) in tokamaks. According to a simple analytical description using the generalised Rutherford equation, the saturated width wsat of these islands is expected to grow proportional to the plasma pressure. Although, taking into account non-linear effects, a saturation of this behaviour is expected for very large pressures, wsat should always grow with increasing plasma pressure. On ASDEX Upgrade however, a regime with high confinement at high bN values has been found although (3,2) NTMs are present. In this regime the amplitude of the NTM does not grow smoothly.
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