H-mode Physics Studies with LHCD on JET
H-modes have mostly been obtained with pre-dominant ion heating from neutral beam injection (NBI) or ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) [1]. Few data exist on H-modes with electron heating schemes also being considered for ITER. H-modes with electron cyclotron heating (ECRH) had first been achieved on DIII-D [2] but no scaling studies have been carried out so far. Combined electron and ion heating from Lower Hybrid (LH) wave heating and NBI has been used in H-modes on ASDEX [3]. LH alone produced H-modes in limiter tokamak discharges on JT-60U [4]. In this paper we present the first H-modes in single null X-point plasmas with Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) as only additional power source with strongly off-axis power deposition as required in Advanced Tokamak scenarios [5]. Coupling of LH waves to H-mode plasmas, fast electron confinement and the scaling of the power threshold for L-H transitions with LHCD are discussed.