
Fusion Technology Activities at JET: Latest Results

The JET Task Force Fusion Technology (TF-FT) was launched in 2000 to use the unique capabilities, facilities and operating experience at JET to provide significant contributions to the research programme on both JET and ITER. This paper presents the most recent results obtained within the JET TF- FT programme. The Tritium (T) retention measurements have confirmed high surface but little bulk T concentrations on the MKII-SRP divertor tiles while T thermal desorption tests confirmed the necessity to reach at least 600oC. From the 2007 shutdown the MKII-HD (more ITER like) divertor has revealed some slight changes in the nature of the erosion/deposition. In order to improve analysis, time resolution devices such as quartz micro-balances and rotating collectors have been located beneath the divertor for deposition and plasma physics correlations. Due to improvement of dedicated models and technologies, in situ laser techniques for detritiation and characterisation/removal have provided encouraging results on quantitative characteristics (composition, thickness, adherence, temperature) of deposited films on plasma facing components. A particular effort on temperature control of the new metallic ITER-Like Wall (ILW) that is presently being installed in JET has been pursued with active laser infrared thermography. JET TF-FT also contributes to the operator strategy to comply with the safety agency requirements for T management. Recent results on two major topics - purification of tritiated water and development of the 3He method for the determination of the T concentration in waste drums - are presented. Finally, this paper also presents some activities in preparation of the ILW for the pre-characterization of marker tiles and the refurbishment of diagnostics for deposition characterization.
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